20 events marking International Men’s Day so far

On our events page, you can see the list of 16 events so far marking International Men’s Day in some shape or form. A number of other organisations including universities, schools/colleges and others have said they are holding events are details will be added when available.

Some are using the Day as the foundation or promotion for an event they would be holding anyway, some are more specifically holding International Men’s Day events and some are holding significant events on men’s issues.

Some are serious, some are fun and they are being organised by women and men right across the UK. That is the great thing about International Men’s Day – it is an fantastic opportunity for everyone:

  • Have some serious fun
  • Highlight some serious issues
  • Celebrate Britain’s men and boys in all their diversity


If you know of any events or want to some information on how to run an event, please contact:
